Find Your Precinct
If you need help locating your precinct, if you are a registered voter you may visit the Secretary of State's website and enter your name and date of birth.
Precinct Committee Officers
PCOs are the grassroots organizing base for all of our activities. PCOs get to know their neighbors, educate undecided or swing voters, and make sure Democrats are registered to vote. They work to turn out voters before Election Day.
PCOs also elect Party leadership and help to fill vacancies in elected office.
Click here to learn more about PCOs and their role in the Democratic Party.
The current version of the State Party's PCO Handbook has great information about what PCOs do for the Democratic Party. Current and prospective PCOs are encouraged to become familiar with the document.
Existing PCOs who desire to have access to the State Party's voter database (VoteBuilder) may download and complete a user agreement and return it to the 6th LD Chair via email.
If a PCO is unable to attend a meeting, they may grant their proxy to any Democrat residing in their precinct.
PCOs serve through November 30, 2024. You may contact your PCO by sending an email message to the 6th LD Chair.
PCO appointments in Spokane County are made by the Chair of Spokane County Democrats upon the recommendation of the legislative district chair.
If a PCO position is vacant in the 6th Legislative District, complete the Appointed PCO Application and send a scanned copy of the completed form via an email message to the Chair (see email address above) to be considered for appointment. Alternatively, use snail mail to send a paper copy of the completed form to Chair, The Sixth Legislative District Democrats, PO Box 7366 Spokane, WA 99207. PCO vacancies in the 6th LD are not shown as "filled" until an appointment as been made by the Chair of Spokane County Democrats. As a result, an application to fill a vacancy may be in process while the website shows the precinct as vacant.
Applicants for PCO appointments in Spokane County outside the 6th Legislative District may mail their completed forms directly to Spokane County Democrats, PO Box 7366, Spokane WA 99207-0366. Your local legislative district chair will be contacted for approval of your PCO application.
Click here to read the bylaws of The Sixth Legislative District Democrats organization.
The Washington Democratic Party has adopted a Code of Conduct applicable to Democrats in Washington participating in Party-managed events or meetings. Spokane County Democrats have adopted a Grievance Policies and Procedures document to handle local party-related grievances. This document is appended to the county party's bylaws and may be found at its website.